I agree with Arne Duncan, the Secretary of Education at U.S. Department of Education when he said, “Teaching has never been easy, and it never will be. Teachers are our nation builders—the strength of every profession in our country grows out of the knowledge and skills that teachers help to instill in our children.”
In all my years as a professional educator, I never wondered if my work mattered, made a difference. Whether with an energetic… five year old or self-proclaimed fully-empowered high school senior, I pressed on with or without their invitation to present new information. Something, somehow, in some child every single day on the job could ignite a thought, connect a learning strand in the brain, or inspire a new way of behaving and therefore make for a worthwhile work day.
Today, my classroom is less structured. I may be the older, wiser woman encouraging a young mothers’ Bible study, spending time with my granddaughters on vacation, mentoring a young couple, or advising a millennial professional just beginning his/her career. I am also the Mid-America Regional Director for American Home Life International and help place international students in Christian host families while they attend U.S. high schools. I look for opportunities to continue to learn and to teach others to Learn to Live Well.

I pioneered the counseling/college admissions office at my community Christian school in 1998 where I had been the kindergarten teacher for years while working on the MA in Professional Counseling degree (2001). Through my local church, I continued to meet personally with people wanting freedom from present pain and desiring a Christian context for their exploration and healing. My pastor husband and I trained with Prepare/Enrich materials to help couples preparing for marriage and we continue to offer this service today through our local church.
Counseling requires the counselor to join a person’s journey, typically at a juncture of pain or dissatisfaction with life. The job entails discovery of the sources of hindrance, of unanswered questions, or avoided reflection on past life events that now threaten present and future contentment and personal efficacy.
Counselors offer themselves as those (hopefully) enjoying present emotional health to serve as sources of strength and encouragement. As the client peels back scar tissue or carefully erected barriers to identify the deep wound root, he/she needs support. He/she needs outside discernment to sort the more objective truth from the self-imposed subjective truth about guilt, shame, failure, and inadequacies.
When I counsel, I recognize my own dependence on the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to guide each client. Counseling offers a powerful opportunity to help others Learn to Live Well.

I completed my life coaching training with Creative Results Management using the same competencies recognized by the International Coach Federation (largest coaching organization worldwide) in 2013. I found this training one of the most personally invigorating exercises I have ever encountered, graduate study included. I completed my ACC credential with ICF in 2017 and joined the Heartland ICF chapter and other coaching groups locally and online around the globe.
My clients come from all life situations, wanting to move forward through challenges and transitions with assistance that I am happy to provide. Whether global workers serving overseas or re-entering, high school and college students navigating new freedoms and big decisions, empty-nesters engaging in fresh seasons or job changes, or singles/couples desiring intentional positive relationships, I love coaching them all! Boomers to GenXers to Millennials to GenZers benefit from the accountability and encouragement coaching offers.
Coaching is an ongoing conversation that empowers a person or team to fully live out God’s calling – in his/her life and profession. The goal of coaching is to listen, listen to the client and listen to the Holy Spirit. What results is discovery of new things and motivation to take action that will reshape life around that learning. The coaching relationship is expected to produce insights, greater personal awareness, changed behaviors, actions, and ultimately results that satisfy the client.

“Gail Goolsby’s passion to help others learn to live well fuels every speaking presentation and writing project. Whether sharing a faith-inspired message with a church group, an education-themed program with an academic or parent audience, or an international-awareness presentation, Gail’s words promote the balanced health of body, mind, and spirit. Her talks are infused with the same motivational tips she practices one on one with coaching and counseling clients. She captivates attendees with humor and emotion to deliver wisdom through the art of storytelling. Her diverse life experiences, many overseas in volatile scenarios, is fodder for articles, speeches, and even a book.”
- Women’s groups
- Bible studies
- Church retreats
- Millennials and Gen X’ers
- Missionary groups
- Educational group
- Leadership development
- Community events
- National organization banquets and keynotes
- Civic and corporate groups
- Education in Afghanistan
- Women’s Issues in Afghanistan
- Life Coaching: Learning to Live Well
- The ME (Millennial Entitled) Generation
- Living Without Anxiety and Depression
- Intimate Relationships and How They Evolve
- Smart Versus Crazy Self-Talk
- Preparation for Marriage
- Live Like a Champion
- Living Your Future

I have always loved stories, reading and telling them. Books are more precious to me than many other possessions and my children (and now grandchildren) know the same love. Some of my most loved book series appear on the “favorites” link on this site.
Following my return from Afghanistan in 2012, I was challenged to park my unique collection of experiences and memories from those seven years living and traveling overseas in written form. I entered the fuzzy world of the writing industry and all the non-writing efforts that go with growing a platform to attract followers. I began writing, writing, writing. Kindergarten tales, great lessons from my coaching/counseling practices and my very own beloved family adventures have given me much to write about, laughing and crying as I type.
I was fortunate to meet a wonderful book coach (Kathy Carlton Willis) at a writer’s conference who showed me the next steps with great encouragement. Next, I met Melissa Jagears, professional author and editor/publisher in my Wichita hometown to help me with my finished manuscript Unveiled Truth: Lessons I Learned Leading the International School of Kabul. I’m happy to say, it is now available everywhere you can purchase books and ebooks online!
Here are some places you can find my articles and guest blogs. Subscribe to my blog here at Learn to Live Well.
Love to hear your responses after reading!
Broadstreet Publishing 2017 A Little God Time for Graduates 365 Devotionals, contributing writer
Thrive Connection http://thriveconnection.com/author/gail-goolsby/
The Praying Woman http://theprayingwoman.com/author/gail-goolsby/
Upgrade With Dawn http://www.upgradewithdawn.com/blog/2016/10/6/5-excuses-that-sabotage-personal-growth.html
Musings of Edwina https://musingsofedwina.com/2016/11/20/giving-thanks-in-afghanistan-by-gail-goolsby/comment-page-1/
September Challenge http://juliearduini.com/2016/08/25/gail-goolsby-will-accept-septembers-one-one-challenge/; http://thekoalamom.com/2016/09/take-relationship-challenge/; http://dianaleaghmatthews.com/septembers-challenge/; http://ausjenny.blogspot.com/2016/09/will-you-accept-septembers-one-on-one.html
Splurge Magazine, November 2016, Wichita, KS http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/012933e6#/012933e6/16