Will the year 2020 go down in history as one of the most stressful times around the world? Like you, I have heard various versions of the following confession of anxiety and fear for many months. “My part-time job, so perfect for our family needs and what I enjoy doing, ended during this COVID craziness. […]
Category: anxiety
Face Masks and Headscarves
We feel uncomfortable when someone hides their face from us. Hoodies and headscarves scare some people and now we have the virus-protector face masks to deal with. Do these articles of clothing represent an evil presence? Are the people underneath these coverings intent on something secretive, something harmful to us? Or are they following health […]

Safety is Not a Promise or Birthright
Afghanistan – Level 4: Do not travel. Travel to all areas of Afghanistan is unsafe because of critical levels of kidnappings, hostage taking, suicide bombings, widespread military combat operations, landmines, and terrorist and insurgent attacks, including attacks using vehicle-borne, magnetic, or other improvised explosive devices (IEDs), suicide vests, and […]

How to Walk in the Dark
2020 will clearly be a year to remember with radical medical crises crossing the country and confusing economics happening around the world. Clouds of all kinds, physical, financial and emotional are hovering low. We need help to walk ahead in the dark of the unknown. What about you? Does your life have uncertainties as […]

When Hurricanes Hit and Sickness Strikes, Watch Your F-Words
The long-lasting impact of devastating storms and pandemic viruses will be felt in economic consequences and health-related concerns now and in the future. Lost homes, lost livelihoods, and lost dreams crashed into daily life for victims and survivors during the crisis and for years following, even when the sun and blue skies and physical health […]
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